One of the much awaited films of this season, Varun Tej's Kanche, was initially set to launch its audio on 12th in Hyderabad. However, the film's director Krish decided to move the audio laugh date and venue to enhance the event and the film's connection even further. As per the latest update, Kanche audio, composed by Bollywood composer Chirantan Bhatt, will be launched on 17th this month in Vizag.
As per the latest update, a huge event is being planned in the Vizag Port Stadium to celebrate the grand event on the occasion of Vinayaka Chavithi. Already, Varun raised the excitement levels among the fans by posing then a question, "what happened on 6th April on 1942 in Vizag." When probed, it was revealed that Indian forces were attacked by Japanese forces in the Bay of Bengal in Vizag during the World War II.
Now, Kanche is also set against the backdrop of the World War ll and a majority of the film's story is a connect between a Telugu village boy's story with the war. Is Krish trying to connect the Vizag bombing episode to Kanche's story? The latest promotional buzz by the film's unit reveals so. Let's wait until 2nd October to know the real story.
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